Friday 26 August 2011

harrowing graffiti

Harrowing is a strong word, but it certainly applies to some places of no human existance after a major man-made disaster. I have recently been trying to find old buildings and towns to paint in. I have been in pursuit of these places for a few months now. I think the most harrowing place to paint is Chernobyl, its one of the few places on earth where everything still remains yet it is the ultimate ghost town. It’s full of memories, lost objects, relationships and human objects to record all of these emotions that were felt in the few hours before the mad dash for safety.
This to me is the ultimate place to paint. Treat, with respect and images will forever be a beautiful reminder of solitude that comes from human disaster. It also so remembrance to those who died in the accident and the family’s that got tore apart in the madness of the last day. I found this video to show some of the beautiful thought provoking imagery painted around the city. I’m not sure who the artists are but they have certainly done a fine and respectful job in my humble opinion.
peace and love
Nathanael Draws 

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